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The Additional Side Force on the Force Transducer in the Combinatorial Load Cell

信息来源:暂无发布日期: 2015-03-31浏览次数:

Tieping Wei1,a,Xiaoxiang Yang1,b,Jinhui Yao2,c, Hang Xu2,d

1College of Mechanical Engineering and Automation,Fuzhou University, China

2Fujian Province Institute of Metrology, Fuzhou, China



Keywords: combinatorial load cell; spherical plain thrust bearing; rotation effect; additional side force

Abstract: By the reason of the additional side force acting on the force transducers affecting the rotation effect of the combinatorial load cell,the paper describes the effect of the spherical plain thrust bearing’s structure on the additional side force. A three-dimensional finite element model of the late-model high-accuracy combinatorial load cell was established and analyzed. From the results, it shows that the magnitude of the additional side force fluctuation increases with the height of the bearing base increasing. At the same time, the magnitude decreases with the friction coefficient of the inner and outer ring of bearing increasing. The results provide guidance for the design of the combinatorial load cell.